Custom WordPress Websites

Designed and developed in-house

No templates here

This is where we shine. Where we get to flex a fusion of true UX/UI design and industry-leading code writing and development. In this model, we start with a blank canvas – the sky’s the limit in terms of what is possible. No themes, no templates. 100% custom designed and developed for your business only. The backend of the website is built out with equal customization, making editing images and copy a breeze post-launch. If you’re looking for a few more bells and whistles for your site, we have also worked with specialty WordPress integrations such as: Commerce7, WooCommerce, Mailchimp, Calendly, MemberPress, client portals and dashboards, Learndash online courses and more.

our custom website approach

Our favourite website add ons

Tell us more about your project

We often build in brand photography, videos, and Canadian-based website hosting into proposals for clients looking for more hands-on support. Tell us about your project in a complimentary consult or fill out our website canvas questionnaire to get started!

Custom website process

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    01. Discovery + research

    Chat with us over coffee as we uncover your user goals, design vision, and functional requirements. Consult with our in-house team if Shopify or WordPress platforms are a good fit for your business.

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    02. Sitemap + stylesheet

    Next, we will work with you to determine what pages are needed on the website and map out the site architecture in the form of a sitemap. This is delivered in hand with a stylesheet, to start visually bringing your brand elements together.

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    03. UX + UI design

    After mapping out the user experience journey, our UX/UI designers will wireframe and design each page for desktop and mobile views using Adobe XD. These designs are delivered to clients as a prototype link, with two proofing stages for your feedback.

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    04. Develop + copywriting

    Once the designs have been approved, we then submit them to our in-house developers to code the site on our test server. All of our websites are fully responsive and include in-house copywriting and keyword research.

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    05. Testing + publish

    Before publishing, we will perform thorough testing across major browsers as well as desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Once approved, we transfer the files to your hosting server and facilitate a training call to show you how to use your new site!